
Ksheerabala Avartana Taila is an important Ayurvedic sneha kalpana (oil preparation) mainly used in the disorders of Vata and Rakta dosha (neurological and blood disorder).

Classical Reference

बलाकषायकल्काभ्यांतैलंक्षीरसमंपचेत् |

                                                             ||सहस्रयोग ||

It is prepared from Bala (Sida cordifolia), Ksheera (Cow’s milk), and Tila taila (Sesame oil).

Ksheera (Cow’s milk); cow’s milk is the most nutritious substance and as per Ayurveda it is considered as Amrita. It has anti-ageing, and rejuvenating properties and it nourishes all the tissues of the body, nourishes sensory organs.

Bala (Sida cordifolia); It is a highly valuable drug in Ayurveda and is abundantly used in a large number of formulations. As the name indicates it is the herb used to improve strength and nourishment. It has cold potency and is a potent vata and pitta pacifying drug. Largely used in neurological and cardiac conditions.

Tila taila;  तत्रतैलेषुमध्येमुख्यंतिलोद्भवं |

Tila taila is one of the best among all herbal oils. It is an important vatahara dravya. It nourishes the body and gives a good complexion to skin and hair.

So the presence of Bala, Tila taila and Milk makes this preparation very potent in pacifying all kinds of vataja roga.

Method of preparation

Bala moola kalka;              1/4th part

Tila taila;                              1part

Bala moola kashaya;          1part

Goksheera;                          1part

Prepare the taila with the above drugs viz. Kalka, Sneha and Drava dravya. The process is repeated a required number of times to enhance and potentiate the product. 

Significance of Avartana (unique method of potentiating the drug)

Avartana is a technique of potentiating the formulation by repeating the preparation process several times. If the process is repeated either 100 or 1000 times then it is called 100 or 1000 Avarthi Ksheera bala taila. With each Avartana the potency of the drug increases by obtaining the maximum concentration of phyto constituents of the drug into lipid extractive media making the formulation more efficacious. Also, Avartana may facilitate easy and proper administration with a reduced dose.

Mode of administration

Oral intake; 5 to 6 drops twice daily.

Routes of administration: Nasya (nasal instillation), gargling, massage, greeva/ janu basti, anuvasana/ matra basti


Milk/ warm water

Benefits of Ksheerabala Avartana Taila as per classics

रसायनंमुक्यतमंइन्द्रियाणांप्रसादनं |

जीवनंब्रह्माणंस्वर्यंशुक्रास्रक्दोषनाशनं |

कुपितेमार्गसंशोधान्मेदसोवकफस्यच |

                      ||सहस्रयोग ||

All types of vata roga.

1. Rasayana;  Helps in rejuvenation at the cellular level

2. Indriyanam prasadanam; Increases the clarity of sensory perception

3. Jeevanam; Gives vitality and strength

4. Brahmanam; Nourishes the body tissues and helps in gaining body mass.

5. Swarya; improves quality of voice

6. Shukrasrikdoshanashanam; Removes the impurities of semen and blood